Call for tutorials
The tutorials sessions are created with the aim of making visible and sharing skills on some new tool, some innovative technology, the use of software applications and methodologies in which the instructors are experts. In this space, knowledge is transmitted to the research community as an activity within the congress of “Information and Communication Technologies of Ecuador – TICEC 2021”. This event is the ideal space to discuss ideas and share experiences and practical challenges of information and communication technologies with professionals, students and attendees in general. At the end of the event, the instructors will receive their certificate of participation.
Prepare and submit your tutorial proposal until June 13, 2021, and schedule your virtual attendance at TICEC 2021 in your agenda from November 24 to 26, 2021. Proposals must be aligned to one or more conference topics.
Prepare your proposal
Working groups belonging to CEDIA and groups of independent researchers can participate in this call. The 9 best proposals will be presented at TICEC 2020.
Submit your proposal in PDF format by EasyChair Platform:
Important dates
Proposal submission closed: June 13, 2021
Tutorial acceptance notification: June 25, 2020
Conference dates: November 24 – 26, 2020
Previous Editions
About Us
TICEC 2021 is the most important Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador, which every year brings together more than 700 researchers, technicians, teachers, students and professionals in the areas of Science and Technology.