From Cyber to Cyber-Social
Elena Navarro, PhD
Universidad Castilla-La Mancha, Spain

Different proposals have appeared to date in the area of Mobile and Pervasive Computing that seek to achieve the principle enunciated by Mark Weisser to get the technology to be used by the user without the user perceiving its use. Both the Internet of Things or the Cyber-Physical Systems seek to provide physical objects with computing and communication capabilities in a way that facilitates communication between both worlds, converging towards what has been called the Cyber-Physical Convergence. However, most of the proposals have focused their efforts on this convergence, forgetting people and their needs in the development process. This talk offers another perspective on the development of this type of system, moving from cyber to cyber social. Go beyond user interaction in a cyber-physical environment, now considering aspects of the social dimension of the individual, of how he socializes, collaborates and interacts with other individuals.
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