Organizing committee

Honorary Committee

Cecilia Paredes, PhD.
CEDIA President

Padre Juan Cárdenas Tapia.
Rector Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Juan Pablo Carvallo Vega, PhD.
CEDIA Executive Director

Steering Committee

Germania Rodríguez, PhD.
Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Efraín Fonseca, PhD.
Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas

Juan Pablo Salgado, PhD.
Universidad Politécnica Salesiana

Marcos Orellana Cordero, PhD.
Universidad del Azuay

Organizing Committee


Comunication and Media: Galia Rivas, Lcda.
Comunication and Media: Francisco Toral, Lcdo.
Web Master: Fernanda Chica, Ing.
Graphic Design: Santiago Morales, Dis. Gráfico.
Graphic Design: Santiago Ruilova, Dis. Gráfico.
Research: Gabriela Parra, Ing.
Santiago Berrezueta, Ing.


Organization: David Mora Bocca, Ing.
Organization: María Isabel Carpio, Ing.
Communication and Media: César Andrade Martínez, Ing.
Communication and Media: Wendy Luna, Ing.
Research: Pablo Péres Gosende, Ing.

About Us

TICEC 2021 is the most important Conference on Information and Communication Technologies in Ecuador, which every year brings together more than 700 researchers, technicians, teachers, students and professionals in the areas of Science and Technology.


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